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Cook Choir info

The Cook Middle School Choral Department is home to five choirs with over 250 students.  The Cook MS Choir consistently earns superior ratings at UIL Concert and Sight-Reading Evaluation and CFISD Solo and Ensemble. The choirs also routinely take home “Outstanding in Class” ratings in a variety of festivals and contests.

Additionally, several students have been selected for the Region XXVII Region Choir, the TCDA MS/JH All-State Choir, and Honor Performance Series, with performances at Carnegie Hall in New York City.

During the course of the school year, Cook MS Choir puts on several concerts: Fall Concert at JVHS, Winter Concert at Foundry UMC, 6th Grade Pop Show, 6th Grade Spring Concert, and 7th/8th Grade Pop Show.

In addition, the choir department participates in several competitions and festivals in and around the Houston area, including: Kemah Choir Days, American Classic Bayou City Classic, UIL Concert and Sight-Reading, and 6th Grade Choral Festival.